Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Resurrection of Our Lord; Luke 24:1-12; 1 Corinthians 15:19-29

Alleluia!  Christ is Risen!
            Big Surprises don’t happen very often in life and when they do, they’re (hopefully) a great joy.  Reuniting with family or friends that you haven’t seen in a long time.  A marriage proposal.  Pedro Quezada, a New Jersey man, just got the surprise of his life as he recently won the 338 million dollar Powerball.  Surprises don’t happen very often, but when they do, there’s unspeakable joy.  Well, today, this joyous day, God gives His people a big wonderful surprise. 
But first, let’s go back to the beginning, as Paul does, where the surprise first was promised.  When God told Adam and Eve that when they ate of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they would surely die.  They ate and, though God created them to last forever, our bodies now wear out.  Death is now our enemy, and it would have been our end.  But God has something else to say to Adam and Eve; a surprise that they surely didn’t expect.  Instead of squishing them like bugs for their sinful rebellion, He gives them a promise that there would one to crush the serpent’s head, that the curse of the fall would be undone.  And today, this joyous day, God makes good on that promise. 
Can you imagine those women who went to Jesus’ tomb that Easter morning?  They saw it all happen right in front of them.  They saw the nails pierce through Jesus’ hands and feet.  They saw Jesus lifted upon the cross.  They heard Jesus cry out, “Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit.”  They saw Jesus taken down from the cross and laid it in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb.  They may have even witnessed as the large stone rolled into place with a great bang.  If there was anyone who could testify to the fact that Jesus was dead it would be these women. 
            But, three days later, they go to the tomb of Jesus, with spices in hand expecting to anoint a dead body but finding everything has changed.   A big surprise.  A surprise that changes everything.  A surprise that even changes the way we view death itself.  The great stone has been rolled away, the tomb is empty and Jesus is nowhere to be found.  What’s more, two men with dazzling white garments tell them something they wouldn’t in a million years expect, “Why do you seek the living among the dead?  He is not here, but has risen.  Remember how He told you, while He was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and on the third day rise.”   
            That’s what Jesus said, isn’t it?  It shouldn't have been a surprise.  Time and time again He preached that it is necessary for the Son of Man to be lifted up and on the third day rise?  That’s Jesus mission, His task, to be the sacrificial lamb who is to be roasted on the cross and raised again.  And He does it.  He fulfills everything that the Father sent Him to do.  For the world, for you, He goes to the cross and then to life. 
            He, Himself, undergoes Adam’s curse of death.  Death sank its teeth into Jesus and sank them in deep.  Its icy breath overshadowed Him and for three days Jesus was devoured whole.  But death couldn’t hold Him.  To death’s great surprise, the Passover Lamb was poison in His mouth.  Death has lost forever.  Death has forever lost its grip on our Lord and on you.
And, like Adam and Eve, what a surprise for those women that morning that brings unspeakable joy.  The Jesus who the women saw placed in the tomb is there no longer.  The women who came to anoint the body of Jesus have no one to lay their spices on.  The Jesus who those women saw give up His Spirit in death is alive!  His body is forever risen from the grave.  He is Risen! 
            And, dear friends, do you know what that means?  It means that you’re forgiven.  For everything.  It means that the Father has fully accepted the sacrifice of His Son on your behalf.  It means that death has also lost its grip on you.  That’s the reason Jesus died and was raised again, not for Himself, but for you!  All for you!  To fulfill the promise to Adam and Eve; to be the One to crush the Serpent’s head and undo the curse of the fall.  To bring to you eternal life.
The resurrection of Jesus changes everything.  It changes the way we view death.  It’s been made into a pathetic joke.  It changes the way we walk through a graveyard.  For the grave is no longer a “final resting place” but a bedroom where we and our loved ones rest for a time.  It changes the way we view our loved ones who have departed in the Faith.  For their souls are today with the Lord, but their bodies sleep in their earthen bedroom to be awakened to new life.  Death had been undone!  It’s been been defeated.  He can snarl and scowl all it wants but its teeth have been removed. 
            That’s the good news of Easter.  That because Jesus lives, death’s dark grave has been made a temporary resting place, just like Jesus’ tomb that was occupied and them empty.  For those who are in Christ, death no longer has dominion.  It lost. 
            And God has one more surprise, a surprise that’s sheer joy for you.  At the right time, in God’s good and gracious time, like a thief in the night, when we least expect it, the living Jesus, who still bears the scars of the cross, shall come again and, since death has been undone, will call His faithful from the bedrooms in which they now sleep.  With a great cry of command, “Wake up and arise, my dear people, it’s time to come home!”  The ones sleeping in the ground will breathe once more.  Blood will pump through their veins.  Souls will be reunited to their bodies and the people of God, that’s you, shall live in the New Jerusalem forever with the Lord forever.
That’s what He’s done for you.  He’s won for you forgiveness and eternal life.  Believe it, it’s yours, it’s for you.  Jesus thought you worth it to suffer, to die, and to rise again.  This, the day of resurrection, is our triumphant day, when God gives to us a surprise, something that we don’t deserve or expect.  But since He loves you with a love that sends Jesus into and out of death for you, He gives His salvation to you.  He defeats death for you.  He opens heaven’s gates wide open for you.  What a surprise.  What joy.  A most blessed Eastertide to all of you.  Amen.
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life everlasting.  Amen.