Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

"It Is Finished For You"

Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.
            We gather here to observe the Passion of our Lord.  The thing for which He was born to do; to suffer and to die on the cross for your salvation.  His bloody death is intensely before our eyes for us to behold.  There, we see the cost for our sins; the sins that we so flippantly commit, the sins we’ve planned, the sins that are the evil we don’t want to do but keep on doing.  We just sang in Paul Gerhardt’s beautiful hymn, “I caused your grief and sighing, By evils multiplying.  As countless as the sands.  I Caused the woes unnumbered with which your soul is cumbered.  Your sorrows raised by wicked hands.”  It’s true.  We look down at our hands and they’re red with the blood of Jesus.  My sin is what pinned Jesus to the cross.
            Yet, this day isn’t about feeling guilt for Jesus’ sake.  He doesn’t go to the cross so that you would feel shame.  Jesus didn’t allow Himself to be nailed to the cross that we would look at His lifeless body and think, “What have I done!”  You have God’s Law for that! 
            Jesus’ cross isn’t about feeling guilt over what our sins cost; rather, it’s about your forgiveness, your salvation being complete.  If there’s nothing else that you glean from this day, let it be this:  Jesus, the only begotten Son of the Father, is sent to carry your sins and to pay for them in full by His dying on the cross.  The reason Jesus went to the cross wasn’t so that you would feel ashamed but that you would be given an eternal inheritance.  As proof of this, I point you to Jesus’ own words; three of the most important words in all of Scripture:  “It is finished.”  “It is finished.” 
            What is the “it” that Jesus is referring?  His work of salvation for you.  Why is this little phrase so important?  Because it’s either finished or Jesus isn’t telling the truth.  Jesus has either completed the work of salvation or your sins are they’re still with you.  It’s either finished or there is still something left for you to do.  Some little part for you to play.  Some small task that must be done by you.  But Jesus says, “It is finished.”  Three of the greatest Words we could hear.  It is finished.  Your sins cling to you no longer! 
            The work of salvation is done.  There’s nothing left to do.  There’s nothing that you can add to Jesus’ salvific work.  It is finished.  For you.  Your sin atoned for.  Paradise’s door wide open through He who bore His cross for you.  It is finished.
            That’s the “good” in Good Friday.  Though, to the world it looks like defeat, God uses it for your eternal good.  By the wounds of Jesus you’re healed.  By His stripes you’re set free.  Be His cross you’re forgiven.  The highest good has been won for you! 
            On this Good Friday, behold the cross of Jesus that say to yourself these little words, “It is finished for me.  Those are my sins Jesus is paying for.  The devil can accuse me no longer!  For my sins aren’t on me, they’re on Jesus and if they’re on Jesus, they’ve been paid for in full!”  It’s been finished all for you. 
So this day, let us leave here not in sorrow on Jesus’ account but rejoicing.  For the Words it is finished is our triumphant cry.  In these little words, we proclaim that Jesus is our Savior who has finished and completed His work of your salvation.  Amen
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life everlasting.  Amen.