Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Resurrection of Our Lord; Matthew 28:1-10

Christ is Risen!  
            Death is a fool.  The most gullible dope there ever was.  He stared at Jesus, giddy as could be that he would be able to devour the Son of God.  Though he knew that it would be the death of him, he couldn’t help himself but to sink his teeth in deep and swallow our Lord.  But Jesus was his end.
Let’s step back for a moment.  Death’s tyranny started not long after God had completed His creation.  With one bite of forbidden fruit, God’s creation in which He made to be perfect, without disease, pain, hurt, suffering, or death, became mortal; subject to death’s cold sting – victims that he will pick off sooner or later.  But, today, we Christians rejoice.  The alleluias that were silenced throughout Lent are sung loud and proud.  Because death met his match when he faced off with the God-Man Jesus Christ.  In the battle between death and life, death lost in the death and resurrection of Jesus.  And Jesus’ victory over sin, death, and the grave is your victory. 
            Jesus lives and death is dead.
The Son of God, who was mocked, beaten, and crucified; God hung on the tree of the cross dead as dead could be, yet burst forth from the tomb on the third day, not even death could hold him.  Death did his worse, he couldn’t help himself, not only did he take a bite out of our Lord, but in his excitement to consume Christ, he swallowed him whole and choked.  Death bit off more than he could chew when he swallowed Jesus.  Like Jonah and the great fish, our Lord has went down into the belly of the earth but came up from the depths of death to be spit back out onto the earth alive… Just as He said. 
And Jesus did it for you.  He journeyed to the cross for you.  He bore the pain and suffering for you.  He gave Himself into death for you.  And He was raised again for you.  Jesus died but Jesus lives.  Sin and death have been defeated.  Death turned into a temporary state. 
            And because Jesus lives, death can no longer has a claim on you.  He’s been defeated, defanged, declawed, his rough growl turned to a whimper.  Death has lost his sting, the enemy lies in defeat. For Jesus died and rose for you!  Christ has made this our triumphant day! 
The resurrection of Jesus saves you from everything that Adam’s bite ushered in.  Death been made into a pathetic joke.  The grave is no longer a “final resting place” but a bedroom where we and our loved ones rest for a time.  Their souls are today with the Lord, but their bodies sleep in their earthen bedroom to be awakened to new life.  Death has been undone!  He’s been defeated.  He can snarl and scowl all it wants but his teeth have been removed.  Jesus lives and death is dead.
            That’s the good news of Easter: that because Jesus lives, death’s dark grave has been made a temporary resting place, just like Jesus’ tomb that was occupied and then empty.  For those who are in Christ, death no longer has dominion.  He lost.  So, you’ll have your Easter day too.
            The same Jesus who was crucified, died, and raised, will return on the last day and call you from your tomb.  Like Jesus, those who have died in the faith and rest in their earthen bedrooms will wake up, rise from the ground, and be spit back out of the belly of the earth.  Death has lost his grip. 
            Jesus lives and death is dead.  He doesn’t have the final say.  That belongs to our risen Lord who will call you out of the grave.  When it will also be said of you, “He is risen, indeed!”  “She is risen, indeed.” 
That’s what He’s done for you.  He’s won for you forgiveness and eternal life.  Believe it, it’s yours, it’s for you.  Jesus thought you worth it to suffer, to die, and to rise again.  This, the day of resurrection, is our triumphant day, when God gives to us that which we don’t deserve or expect.  But since He loves you with a love that sends Jesus into and out of death for you, He gives His salvation to you.  He defeats death for you.  He opens heaven’s gates wide open for you.  What joy.  Jesus lives and death is dead.  A most blessed Eastertide to all of you.  Amen.

Christ is Risen!