Monday, February 24, 2014

In Memoriam +Esther Augustin+

Text: Colossians 3:12-17

To all who knew and loved Esther: 
Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.
            Martin Luther once quipped, “I am not ashamed to confess publicly that next to theology there is no art which is the equal of music, for she alone, after theology, can do what otherwise only theology can accomplish, namely, quiet and cheer up the soul of man, which is clear evidence that the devil, the originator of depressing worries and troubled thoughts, flees from the voice of music just as he flees from the words of theology.  For this very reason the prophets cultivated no art so much as music in that they attached their theology not to geometry, but to music, speaking the truth through psalms and hymns”
            I don’t know if this little quote was going through Esther’s mind at the time that she raised her children to love and to cherish this precious gift from the Lord, but if it was, both Esther and Luther were right – music is truly a gift of God.  Which is why St. Paul urges the Colossian Church to, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” 
            Today we, too, sing.  We sing hymns that proclaim all that God has done for Esther and for you.  We sing to the Lord hymns that proclaim His salvation that has been given to Esther through Him who was crucified but raised again.  To be sure, we sing with mourning hearts but, since Jesus has destroyed death by His death and resurrection, we also sing with joy.  For the Lord Jesus Christ, whose birth caused the heavenly choir to burst into a frenzy of singing, came so that the dirge that’s on our lips because of sin and death would be turned into jubilant song. 
            Our songs, our hymns, our praise are given in because of what our Lord Jesus has accomplished for Esther and for you.  Our Lord is no stranger to death.  He, Himself, was placed into its icy clutches.  He was crucified, died, and was buried and in so doing, paid the ransom price, paying for our sins, redeeming Esther, who was sprinkled with His grace in her baptism the day after she was born.   But the clutches of death couldn’t hold Him – Death was unable to choke our Lord down and so spit Him back out of the belly of the earth alive.  The stone cold dead body that hung on the cross was, three days later, raised again.  Death has been undone, the grave transformed into a bedchamber, where those who die in the faith shall be awakened to eternal life. 
Today, Esther’s soul is with the Lord, but the symphony of God’s salvation hasn’t yet come to its final crescendo.  The finale comes on the last day when Christ will come on the clouds and shall call out to her, “Esther, it’s time to wake up.  Today is your Easter Day.”  Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, death has lost its hold on Esther as well.  Our Lord shall raise her and all His people from their earthen bedrooms to live with him – body and soul – in the New Jerusalem.  The mouth that is now shut shall sing again.  The eyes that are now closed shall behold the glory of her Lord.  The ears that are now stopped shall hear the trumpet sound of God and the beauty of her Lord’s voice.  The hands that are now still shall feel His warm embrace. 
            And this Jesus who has gone into and out of the grave for Esther is also for you.  The Savior who has redeemed her body and soul is also the Savior who has redeemed you.  Jesus has also taken upon Himself Your sins, and in Christ you, too, are forgiven.  Jesus comes for sinners- that’s Esther, you, and me.  He died for you.  He rose from the grave for you.  Death couldn’t hold Him!  The resurrection of Jesus on the third day is the turning point in world history that we, who deserve nothing from God, would receive everything from Him.  Forgiveness, eternal life, is given to all who trust in His salvation freely given – flowing from His cross.  For her Jesus is also for you.  That’s why we sing.  Sin and death have been undone! 
Esther and Luther are right; apart from theology there is no better gift of God than music.  Today we sing our hymns that point us to Jesus, who is our life and our salvation.  Yet here in the Church on earth, our joyful hymns are mixed with tears of sadness.  But in the Church Triumphant, which Esther is now numbered, the joyful singing never ceases.  Amen.

            The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life everlasting.  Amen.