Wednesday, September 11, 2013

15th Sunday after Pentecost; Luke 14:1-14

Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.
            Etiquette is fairly well established in our culture, as it was in ancient society.  At ever wedding reception I’ve been to, there’s a table in the very front, that everyone can see.  Sometimes there’s even names by the chairs at this table.  You know the one, it’s where the bride, groom, and wedding party get to sit.  It’s the table that is most honored, it’s served first, sometimes that table even gets Champaign when everyone else gets sparkling grape juice.  What would happen if you, simply an invited guest, set yourself in the chair marked “bride?”  Most would uncomfortably look at you, wondering what to do.  But eventually, when the bride wants to sit down, someone has to tell you to sit somewhere else.  Then it won’t matter where you sit because you’ve been shamed by taking a lower place.
            The other side of this coin is you do take a lower place.  You sit in the back, farthest away from the head table.  When the groom calls out to you, “Hey, come up here, I want to talk with you.  Celebrate this joyous day with me.”  Then you’re exalted in front of everyone as you walk up to the highest place. 
            So, what’s Jesus’ point?  Is He simply giving advice on dinner etiquette or is there something more to it?  
            Jesus had been invited by the Pharisees to a dinner banquet that has a bunch of Pharisees and lawyers, but not these lawyers never stood in front of a judge or argued a case on behalf of a criminal.  Their job was to comb through the Torah, the books of Moses, the first five books of the Old Testament and figure out what they were supposed to do in order to gain God’s favor.  Jesus, the invited, guest of honor to this soirĂ©e was probably thinking, “I’d rather be hanging out with those sinners and tax collectors.”  The invitation wasn’t extended because Jesus was loved by the Pharisees, quite the opposite.  He was probably invited because they wanted to catch Him in His words.  They wanted to find a reason to have Him brought up on some trumped up charge and executed.  But if they had a plan, they don’t even get the chance to put it into action.  Jesus makes the first move.
             “There was a man before Him who had dropsy.  And Jesus responded to the lawyers and Pharisees, saying, ‘Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath, or not?”  An uninvited guest.  A man with dropsy comes into the room with his swollen dropsy body wanting to be healed… On the Sabbath. 
            Now, the Pharisees had made all kinds of rules about what kind of work you couldn’t do on the Sabbath, so Jesus question puts them to the test.  If they say it’s unlawful, then they’ll look like unreasonable jerks.  But they don’t want to agree with Jesus so they can’t say that it is lawful either.  So, they remain silent, Luke tells us. 
            Jesus answers their silence and His own question by healing the man on the Sabbath because that’s what God does.  Jesus then chides the Pharisees over their legalism, being willing to pull on ox out of a well on the Sabbath, implying that it’s ok for the Pharisees to care for animals but helping and serving the neighbor, not so much. 
            It’s like the parable Jesus told of the Good Samaritan.  The priest and the Levite who saw the man lying in the ditch could not help him.  They were bound by the Law, couldn’t touch a man who’s been beaten.  Only the Samaritan was free to be neighbor.  Only one who is free from the Law can answer Jesus’ question with a confident “yes, it is lawful to heal on the Sabbath”.  But you can say that only as you are free.  Jesus is free.  He comes to bring freedom and life.  He is the Sabbath fulfilled, and for that sick man, He is the epitome of the Sabbath.  Rest from illness, rest from sin, rest from death.  Rest that only God in the Flesh can give.  That’s why we don’t worship on the Sabbath, on Saturday, because Jesus is our Sabbath rest.  We’re free to gather together as the Church and worship on whatever day we want.
            Now Jesus has the table exactly where He wants them.  Now they’re really watching this Sabbath breaker who has the power of God to heal diseases with a word and a touch.  He points out how the guests all jockey for positions of honor at the table, to the right and the left of the host.  And He says, “When you are invited, don’t take the honored seats lest you be embarrassed.  It would be like taking the seats of honor at a wedding reception when you’re not in the wedding party and being told that your table is over in the corner next to the cake.  Take your place among the least, so that when the host comes you’ll be honored when he says, ‘Friend, come up to a better place…’  For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
            Now if you think all that Jesus has in mind is the seating arrangements at the next dinner party you’re invited to, think again. He has in mind first of all His own work. Though He was the Son of God, seated at the right hand of the Father, the place of highest honor, He left that seat to take on human flesh and become a servant. He left the highest place to take up the lowest seat in the house, a cross and a grave. It doesn’t get any lower than that. He humbled Himself to death for our sakes. And from that place of humility, the Father highly exalted Him and seated Him in our humanity at His right hand. And in Him, we are seated there too.
            Recognizing that and believing that, we don’t presume the honored place at His table either. We don’t waltz in to the Lord’s Supper as though we’ve earned the right to be there and God should be honored that we bothered to show up. No, we take the lowest place with the least, the lost, the lowly, the dead. We say, “God be merciful to me a sinner.” We come as chief of sinners seeking mercy, humbled by the Law that reminds us there is no good in us. And Christ says to us, “Friend, I forgive you. Come up to a higher place. Sit with me at my table.
            For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled.”  Boast in your goodness, and the Law will put you in your place.  Wrap yourself with all the good you’ve done, and you will be revealed as a gate crasher at the Lord’s wedding party. Take your place with the losers of the religious world, with sinners, and you will be exalted. All you need to bring to the Lord’s table is your confession and a plea for mercy, and you will hear “Friend, come up to a higher place.”
            Then Jesus turns to His host, whose nice little Sabbath dinner party now lay in shambles at the feet of Jesus, and He notes all the dignitaries. “When you give a dinner party, don’t invite your rich friends and relatives lest they do the same and repay you. But instead, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, that man with dropsy who crashed your party, all those types you avoid, invite them, and you will be blessed precisely because they can’t repay you. Your reward comes in the resurrection.”
            And again, Jesus isn’t talking so much about whom to invite to your next birthday party as He is talking about the party He is throwing, the marriage feast of the Lamb in His kingdom which has no end. He isn’t inviting people who can repay Him. Not at all. He’s inviting empty-handed, broken beggars, the likes of you and me in our sinfulness. We can’t repay the Lord for what He has done for us. Nothing we can do in this life, no offering, no prayer, no dedication, no amount of purpose-driven living can repay Jesus for His service to us, His sacrifice, His saving us. We come as the poor, the lame, the blind. That’s what we are under God’s Law. Impoverished of anything remotely called righteousness before God. Crippled to the holiness God demands of us. Blind to Him.
         Yes in our brokenness and poverty, we are invited guests, welcomed to a feast of salvation that literally has no end. Why does Jesus do it? Why bother with a table full of losers? Well, if you’re looking for spiritual winners in this world, you won’t find any because there are none. Without God’s mercy in Jesus, without Jesus’ death on the cross, without the forgiveness of sins that comes in His name, there would be no one at the wedding feast of the Lamb save the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Oh, and a bunch of angels.
            Jesus’ reward, the joy that was set before Him, is the resurrection of the righteous. The joy of a resurrected humanity declared righteous by what He has done. You, standing before the Father, clothed in the righteousness of the Son, raised from death to life – that’s why Jesus suffered, died, and rose again. So that you would have a place at His table.
            So as you take that place today, as one of His baptized believers, don’t think of yourself as a winner, as one deserving to be there. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. Humble yourselves, and He will lift you up.  Amen.
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life everlasting.  Amen.