Saturday, March 2, 2013

In Memoriam +Lenora Sommer+

 Job 19:23-27

To the family, friends, and all who knew and loved Lenora: Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.
Lenora is a dear saint of God.  She was active in her church, loved to serve with the other ladies in the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, and was even the hospital and Wedgewood’s volunteer of the year.  There was much good that she did for those around her but even more that she received from her Lord. 
Lenora’s Jesus loved her so much that He was willing to die on the cross for her, that she would stand before the Father washed clean in the tide of His blood.  Lenora’s Jesus loved her so much that He went to the cross to win for her everlasting life.  But, Lenora’s Jesus didn’t remain in the tomb, but He is risen from the dead!  Death has been defeated; it no longer has hold on those whom cling fast to His promise.
Though we’re in the midst of Lent, today we get a glimpse of that Easter joy.  Today we sing of Lenora’s risen Savior, the One who died but rose from the dead and conquered death for her.  We sing of the One who lives and reigns to all eternity, who was in the tomb for three days but is dead no more.  Today we heard the words of Job and sang them triumphantly, “I know that my Redeemer lives,” and Lenora trusted in this as well.
This Easter proclamation is one of the last memories I have of her.  Shortly after she fell asleep in the Lord, as we were all leaving her room, I looked at back at this dear departed saint one last time and above her head on her bulletin board was a purple cross, adorned with Easter lilies with the words, “He is risen!” blazed across it.  And that’s our comfort for today, right now…  Our Redeemer lives!  And because He lives, so does she!
Lenora’s soul is at the side of the Lord, but our risen Jesus isn’t done in fulfilling His promises.  Today her soul is with the Lord in Paradise, but her body awaits its raising to live forever, body and soul, for eternity in the New Jerusalem.  She’s been given this because Christ has already put Himself into the clutches of death but was raised again for her. 
And this is the beating heart of our Christian hope: that Jesus shall come again and raise Lenora out of her earthen bed.  The eyes that are now closed shall open to behold her Lord, and not another.  The mouth that is now shut shall open to sing praises to her Savior.  The ears that are now stopped shall hear the sweet sound of her risen Jesus calling out to her, “Lenora, wake up, it’s Resurrection Day!” 
And this Jesus who has gone into and out of the grave for Lenora is also for you.  The Savior who has redeemed her body and soul is also the Savior who has redeemed you.  Jesus has also taken upon Himself Your sins, and in Christ you, too, are forgiven.  Jesus comes for sinners- that’s you and me.  He died for you.  He rose from the grave for you. Death couldn’t hold Him! The resurrection of Jesus on the third day is the turning point in world history that we, who deserve nothing from God, would receive everything from Him.  Forgiveness, eternal life, is given to all who, in faith, make the same confession that Lenora made throughout her life.  For her Jesus is also for you.
Here is the comfort for those who miss Lenora:  God made a promise to her and God keeps His Word.  Lenora was Baptized a child of God and remained steadfast in true faith until the end of her earthly life.  Jesus, who never forgets His promises, shall make good.  The trumpet will sound.  The graves will open.  There will be a reunion, laughter, food, and joy; God’s people at peace, free form sin, from the devil, and from death.  Thanks be to God.  He does all things well.  May He deliver us all in His grace to the same blessed end. Lenora’s Redeemer lives, and so does she.  Amen.
The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus until life everlasting.  Amen.